Monday, September 21, 2009

A Belated Introduction, and Reading Guide

This should have been the first post on this blog, but its still on the first page so no harm done.

Welcome to my fiction blog! Spankos are welcome here, and hopefully I'll be able to cook up something you can enjoy. I've been a writer for some time, but naughty stories are something new to me, so I could use all the feedback you can spare.

I've been interested in spanking since I hit puberty. In my teenaged years my fantasies focused exclusively on giving; I'm definitely an "ass man," and smacking a cute girl's butt until its red and stingy and she's purring and wet has a primal appeal. As I matured, my sexuality expanded further into spanko territory, and I began to like the idea of receiving as well. I've been fortunate enough to do a bit of both in my time, but my experiences as a spanko are still just beginning.

But enough about me.

My stories focus on the sensuality and excitement that accompany a good spanking, and sometimes the other activities that often follow. Some of my tales have overtones of "serious" discipline or torture, but its all written through the lens of fantasy and fun. Some of the spankings are quite severe, but never to the point of bleeding or other serious injury, and there's always a sexual element. Something I should mention is that my imagination goes to crazy places. I'm generally a mystery and science fiction writer, and many of these elements follow me into the realm of the sadomasochistic. Expect there to be plenty of (though by no means exclusively) fantastical and science-fictiony scenarios here. Hey, if Anne Rice can do it with Sleeping Beauty of all things, why the hell not?

Most of my posts are going to be part of an ongoing novella called Vessels. Vessels (which includes M/F, F/M, and F/F galore) follows a number of protagonists of both sexes as they are drawn into a magical game of kinky predation. Since Vessels follows several narrators over the course of some time, each chapter will include the name of the protagonist and its place in that character's experiences (Parts 1 and 2 of Jake's misfortunes are already posted). Each character's experiences are meant to be read in order, but there's no particular order for going from one character-plot to another.

Other stories will be labeled Shorts. Shorts are just one-off stories with no connection to any others. There won't be as many of these, but they'll happen. Its possible a short story might blossom into another multi-part saga like Vessels, and I'll be sure to inform my readers if that happens.

Each post will be tagged for implements (hairbrush, strap, etc), gender roles (F/M, F/F, M/F), and, if part of a longer story, characters. My apologies to fans of M/M, but I'm just not interested in that arrangement and couldn't convincingly write about it if I tried.

Hopefully that gives you everything you need to know before digging in. If any readers have questions, comments, suggestions, flattery, insults, or blackmail, please don't be shy!

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing wrong with one's imagination going to crazy places. Always taken the view that when you venture to those places you end up being true to yourself.

    Just wanted to post and wish you all the best with your blog and hope you enjoy doing it as much as I do mine.

    All the best and don't let the lack of comments discourage you as, in general, it's the same for most spank bloggers alas.

